Members Only Restricted Content
Restricts access to content within the shortcode to members only. The logged in customer must have an active subscription for one of the memberships included in the memberships parameter.
[wpvs-restricted-content memberships="PlanId,PlanId2,etc"]
...restricted content goes here...
- The memberships parameter accepts comma separated membership ids.
- registered_users_free parameter allows you to make the restricted content free for logged in users. Default is false
- no_access_text parameter lets you change what text is displayed to users who do not have access.
- no_access_link parameter lets you change which URL the no access button links to. Only applicable when restricted content membership options are not displayed.
- no_access_button_text parameter changes the no access button text. Only applicable when restricted content membership options are not displayed.
List Membership Plans Shortcode
Displays your active membership plans which customers can select and subscribe to.
[wpvs_list_membership_plans] (Deprecated shortcode [rvs_memberships])
- The memberships parameter accepts comma separated membership ids.
Specific plans list example: [wpvs_list_membership_plans memberships="DayTest,WeekTest"]
Create Account Shortcode
Outputs a Sign In and Create Account form box.
If you do not see the Create Account option, within your WordPress Dashboard, go to:
Settings -> General and make sure the Membership (Anyone can register) option is checked.
Checkout Form Shortcode
Displays a checkout form for the Membership a customer is subscribing to.
- This shortcode should be placed on your Checkout page
Account Shortcode
Displays customer information including Memberships, Credit Cards and Payments
- This shortcode should be placed on your Customer Account Page
Customer Rentals Shortcode
Displays a customers Rented videos.
- Customer must be logged in to see their rentals.
- Set the show_customer_menu="1" parameter to include the customers account menu above their video rentals list.
Customer Purchases Shortcode
Displays a customers Purchased videos.
- Customer must be logged in to see their video purchases.
- Set the show_customer_menu="1" parameter to include the customers account menu above their video purchases list.
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