To change the currency on your WordPress website using WP Video Memberships:
- Go to WP Videos -> Payment Gateway within your Dashboard.
- Select the currency you wish to use from the Currency drop down on the right side of the screen.
- Press the blue Save Currency Settings button.
Can I use multiple currencies on my site?
At this time, you can only set 1 currency using the WP Video Memberships plugin.
Supported Currencies
- United States (USD)
- Canadian (CAD)
- Australian (AUD)
- Brazilian (BRL)
- Danish krone (DKK)
- Euro (EUR)
- Hong Kong (HKD)
- Israeli (ILS)
- Japense Yen (JPY)
- Mexican Peso (MXN)
- New Zealand (NZD)
- Norwegian (NOK)
- Philippine Peso (PHP)
- Polish (PLN)
- Pound (GBP)
- Russian (RUB)
- Singapore (SGD)
- Swedish Krona (SEK)
- Swiss Franc (CHF)
- Thai Baht (THB)
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