Coupon Codes allow you to provide discounts on purchases, rentals and subscriptions.
Coupon Code Fields
Coupon ID: This the Coupon Code identifier and should be simple and unique.
Coupon Title: Name your Coupon Code whatever you would like.
Discount type: Sets whether this Coupon Code has a flat amount discount or percentage discount.
Amount Off: Sets the flat amount or percentage off the regular price.
- Once: The discount will be applied only once. If a customer is setting up a subscription, they will receive a discount price on the first payment only. The recurring price for their subscription will be the regular price set for the membership (subscription).
- Repeating: The discount price will be used for a certain number of months and then automatically switch to the regular membership price.
- For example, if the Duration in Months is set to 3, the customer will pay the discount price for 3 months, then start paying the regular membership price on their 4th month.
- Forever: The discount price will be used for as long as the subscription is active.
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